Loving and Almighty God, you are the one who gives us your truth and sets us free...
Today, may each of us be set free from unhealthy attachments, unreasonable expectations, and negative desires. May we hear you speaking to us your promise that you have come to give us life and give abundantly.
May we decide to be Love in action. May we love who you have made us to be. May we love others unconditionally. May we be certain of the truth that the more Love we give, the more we shall receive.
God, grant us days that are peaceful and weeks that are stress-free. Help us really see that our lives are filled with Joy. Give us the courage to be gentle with all other living beings.
Show us again that we are Creative and Talented. Grant that we may be continually learning from life's experiences. May others learn to look upon us as Kindness and Compassion in action. We are your children. So, too everyone we shall meet this week is your child.
May we never judge ourselves, or others; but trust that everyone is doing the best they can given their present moment in their spiritual journey. Even as you promise to forgive us... May we not punish ourselves, or others, for our mistakes, but simply learn from them, and with your word of pardon, go forward.
May you be manifest in us. May we be your ambassadors, witnesses and representatives. Because you love and bless us, may we acknowledge how loved and blessed we are. Because you have given freely to us, may we give freely of our gifts and talents and time and creativity.
May we recognize and accept Love as our true nature. May we be loving and gentle and respectful towards others in our thoughts, speech and actions. May we surrender our egos to You.
May we hold relationships as sacred, and I hold them more important than issues. May we be centered upon you, and connected to You. May we love the people nearest and dearest to us, unconditionally, and support them in their personal and spiritual growth.
May we keep communications open, and love conscious, active and present in our relationships. May we welcome your healing and wholeness at all levels of our being - physically, mentally and spiritually.
May we sense your light of light within us, so that we may make positive choices for our highest good and the good of others around us. May we be patient and expectant, active and peaceful, focused and joyful Christians, in the company of our Living Lord, even Christ Jesus, Amen.
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