Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Senior High Mission Trip in Columbia SC - Monday News

Yesterday the Wekiva Presbyterian Church Senior High Mission Trip participants spent the day working hard, all day long.  The weather was NOT cooperative, it rained steadily all morning, but even so they were like the mail carriers of the old poem, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

The photo above is from Jenni, of their picnic spot at the state park on Sunday.

But back to Monday, they also caught the attention of the local TV station, and their presence was noted. The cameras were rolling and if all went according to the plan, there was "video at eleven" about the work they are doing.

The group is staying at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, of which are two photos, below:

In the kitchen, at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, it was Taco Night.  I think that is why Judy wore the serape and the Stillers poncho.  Why they were all decked out in Stillers gear is something of a mystery, maybe we can ask Sam or Dave or Judy when they get back, n'at.

We have a number of parent/child combos on the trip.  Below you see one of them, Allison and Karen:

More photos will be forthcoming--I have to be at the church to post them.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

1 comment:

Karen said...


Great video of the youth and the work they are doing. Thanks for the photos! Got of love that kitchen help!!