In addition to the newly sealed blacktop surface and the glistening white stripes, there are a few other innovations, including a new location for the "First Time Guests" spaces, which at the suggestion of Elder Fred and the input of the various members of the staff, have been placed in a more visible place. Please do keep those spots open for the "First Time Guests" ON SUNDAYS. At any time else during the week you are fine to park there even if you are a Charter Member...!
A reminder, that in addition to our newly refurbished lots, ON SUNDAYS you may also park in the Bank parking lot or in the Watson parking lot, if you wish. For some of our church members, these are actually more convenient, depending on your route to and from worship. And we do encourage the staff and officers and their families to park in one or the other of those lots on Sundays, too, to keep the church lots less congested. Personally, I find that I enjoy my stroll from one of those neighboring lots every Sunday morning around seven a.m. as I arrive for the day's activities. There are usually hawks, mocking birds, finches and jays to be seen. Sometimes egrets, herons and ibis. Occasionally possum and armadillo. Rarely, bear.
We are glad we have that mutual arrangement with the Bank and with Watson (their patrons or staff do use our lots during the week). But do remember, at any time that those businesses are open for business, Wekiva folks are asked to please park in the church lots only.
First, please ALWAYS obey the arrows and directional signs, which make the lot traffic "one way" loops, whether you are in the front lot or the side lot, whether the lot is full or empty.
Also, please NEVER use your cell phone while driving or walking in the parking lot, so that you can give your complete attention to where you are going.
At all times, as they say on the signs when you drive into our near-by city of Winter Park:
"Please Drive With Extraordinary Care"
The Parking lot looks great!
Thanks Jackie! Wish you were here to try it out!
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