Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rocket Launch Today...

Today as I was on my way to the office, with the roof down (it is a lovely day in Central Florida), I happened to look to my left as I was leaving our street. There over our neighbor's Amy and Rick's house was the contrail of a rocket launch. "Oh", thought I, "I did not know there was to be a launch today."

As I watched the rocket ascend, I snapped the photo (cell phones are so handy) that you see here.

Since then, I have tried to find out what it was that was being launched today, but have not been successful. From the location (over the house to our right as you look at our house) I know it was not launched from Kennedy Space Center. Those launches are (sigh, I guess I have to say "were") always over our neighbors to the left, Chris and Vina's home. This suggests the rocket was launched from slightly south of KSC, which would mean Patrick Air Force Base's Cape Canaveral facility. They have a launch on their schedule for March 25 but none for March 20.

So... Hmm.. I wonder what it was?

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