Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Parking Lot Update...

Above is a view of where I am parked today, from the spot where I usually park. Below is a view of the same, but from the office door. And yes, it is very quiet in the lot today... The word I have is that they will resurface the lot tomorrow. Today, we just have a nice, quiet, peaceful parking lot. No one driving the wrong way in the lot. Ahhhh! A very rare thing indeed.

You would almost think the photos are of the parking lot "after" rather than "before" the repaving and re-striping, since it looks so very nice. Doesn't it? But you can just chalk that up to our wonderful youth and their leaders who re-striped it by hand, among many other projects around the church facilities, during their recent Spring Workday.

It is a pretty parking lot, isn't it?

As church grounds go, we have some of the nicest trees and plantings anywhere. There are usually interesting forms of wildlife in and among the trees as well. You may take that comment as you wish. But I mean such things as red-shouldered hawks, jays and finches.

One evening after Pastors Bible Study we had a black bear greeting us, over by the dumpster. In Central Florida the wildlife is truly wild.

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