Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ecclesiastes 7:29 – What a contrast—God made us to be straightforward. Yes, we do weave tangled-web schemes. Scheming usually backfires; sooner or later, like a boomerang, people end up being caught by what they toss at others. Today, try being straightforward, just as God made you. This is a Wekivaword.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Joshua 24:23 – you know what your own “foreign gods” are: they are those things that you have put in the center of life, and made the top priority of your time and attention. They are probably not little statuettes; but they are keeping you from the one true God. Today, put them away, and give the Lord your complete attention, your complete allegiance. This is a Wekivaword.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Isaiah 50:10 – You will follow a path today; perhaps more than one path. As you do, trust God to shine the light and glory of Jesus Christ before you. God will show you the way. God will provide the path. God will go with you every step of the way. This is a Wekivaword.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

James 1:5 –Rely on the wisdom of God to guide you, this day. This is a Wekivaword.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ephesians 2:4-5 – God is rich in mercy. The very fact that we are alive is due to God’s love. And in Christ, being alive is a gift we have received for all time. Live today fully alive, savoring what comes, knowing that in grace, you have been saved. This is a Wekivaword.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Back ... For Now ...

Back…For Now…

Yes, I have been posting the Wekivawords on this blog, but not much else, for some little while now.

Apparently people have been missing my other posts. I was told that by a dear church member the other day, and another who has retired “Somewhere North of Here”. Well, face it, when you live in Central Florida, almost everywhere is “Somewhere North of Here”.

But I digress.

Now that The Wedding (wonderful in every way) has happened, and on the verge of the arrival of "The Mystery Grandchild" (Enter and sign in, please! We will be surprised about the gender when it happens), it seems a good time to re-start the posts having to do with this and that, observations ranging from religion to architecture to vintage music to whatever else may strike my fancy.

Let me know if you are glad the posts are back. In some ways, in these days of other social media such as Facebook, blogs (like Pogs and Beanie Babies) may not be what they once were.

As I told some of you, I stopped doing the blog posts when I received a message that I had exceeded the allowed number of photos—and you know how much of a part the photos have played in the past posts, or posts past if you prefer. So I thought, “Okay, I will delete a few...” Nope. That did not work. I deleted and deleted and deleted, about two years worth of posts (!) with photos.



So then I thought, “Why bother trying to post anything new, if I had to jettison so many interesting posts from the past?” Besides it is not like I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs wondering how to occupy the lazy hours. So the wind having been taken out of the blogging sails, as it were, I just stopped.

As I say, I will attempt to resume. Like when you hit that button for the cruise control on your car. We will see how it goes. Expect fewer photos, vis a vis the rather rude warning that came my way that prompted the stop in the posts. But if you are willing to read without illustrations, I promise to make every effort to make the posts interesting or inspirational by turns, and occasionally uproarious.

You Gotta Put Down the Newspaper...

So many bad drivers are out there on the roads and it is getting worse.

Today, around nine a.m., be glad you were not heading south on Wekiva Springs Road. My wondering eyes saw a van of a certain age (maroon in color, one of those awful designs by Detroit that look like angry kitchen appliances) and behind the wheel was a large open newspaper. Truly, there was no driver in sight. Until, at the light at East Lake Brantley Drive, the van pulled alongside my car. There, behind the newspaper I guessed it, a person. She was reading the newspaper as if she had been sitting at home in her barcolounger, and as if the road were not filled with traffic not to mention walkers, joggers and bikers. The article she was reading must have been gripping because she sat there with the fully opened newspaper blocking all but say a sliver of sky where (presumably) the traffic light could be glimpsed. And when the light changed, she sailed on like a rudderless ship. I was very very very very glad I was a) in the other lane and b) not related to her by blood or marriage. Oh yes I did see a CAR SEAT (!) in the van. Pity the poor child with that idiot for a mother!

Please, friends, put down the:
- Newspaper
- Map
- Phone
- Cigarette
- Pipe
- Makeup
- Meal
- (Did I mention phone?)
- Ducky

And just drive.

The life you save will be your own.

P S I refrain from posting the license plate of that van. But I don't promise not to do so in future. In the mealtime here is a good description of the woman who was driving without watching where she was going. 30ish. Dishwater blond hair pulled back from her head like she was trying to do a home-made facelift and tied with a scrunchie, nearly no makeup. White (well, it was white once) long-sleeved ill-fitting tee shirt top (remember: "Support can be beautiful", dearie!). Unflattering reading glasses. Receding chin. Boney elbows. Pasty completion.

Too bad I didn’t get a better look at her...!!!
2 Corinthians 3:12 – Be bold today. Bold, not brash. Bold born of the grace of Christ—bold to speak His word and do His work. Not to give offence, but rather, to give glory to God. You are part of a glorious band, the chosen few, on whom the Holy Spirit has come. Be bold today. This is a Wekivaword.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lamentations 3:58 – Has someone taken up your cause today? Are they in your corner? Do they have your back? Can you trust them implicitly? Wonderful! Do others describe you that way? Fantastic! God has taken up your cause. Thanks be to God! This is a Wekivaword.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Corinthians 15:57 – do you feel as if you are losing the battle of life? This verse is a good reminder that you are not. God is making you victorious. Trust that God is bringing about victory in your life, today. . This is a Wekivaword.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Psalm 36:6 – Let us never forget that God made and loves the animals of the world. Sometimes they do their best to remind us of that, with a cheery birdsong or the wag of a furry tale. May we never be too busy to notice or give God thanks. This is a Wekivaword.