Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Kind of a Bug is THAT...?

There I was minding my own business walking from the front door to the mailbox when I spotted (and how could I have missed it?) this spotted blue bug with an eye popping red tail, on the front sidewalk.  There were several other flying or creeping things of this kind about, but this one stayed put long enough for me to focus and take a close up.  Norma Desmond would be proud.

So, does anyone know the name of this bug?


I am told it is a "Syntomeida epilais":
Polka-Dot Wasp Moth.
It is a moth, not a wasp, and is harmless.
It does actually have 2 sets of wings.
The second pair are smaller and flush under the larger pair.
Seems to be found in Florida but also in Georgia and South Carolina.

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