Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Greatest Good

You have probably enjoyed, as I have, the documentary “Won’t you be my Neighbor” about everyone’s favorite Pittsburgh Presbyterian Pastor, Fred Rogers.  I had a chance to see it again, recently.  Each time I see it, I cherish certain moments, and I discover new ones.

One discover, this most recent time, was Fred saying this:

I think that those who would try to make you feel less than you are, that’s the greatest evil.

          We understand.  And we know that turning his words to the positive side – is in keeping with what Jesus says to us this day:

          I think that those who would try to make you feel greater than you are, that is the greatest good.

          I know that you are going out into a big and sometimes cold world, today.  And this week.  And parts of the world are not very welcoming or safe.  I also know that you are making that world less grim.  More caring.  More loving. I know that your goal is to love those who at first seem unlovable.  And I know that you will reach that goal.

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