Pithy sayings through the years:
"Without pith helmets the expedition will collapse. Why? The heat, sir! It's deadly! I know it!" (1879)
Another missionary, Elsie Clark, described the obligatory pith helmet: "It looks very heavy and clumsy, but in reality is very light and cool; at any rate we must put looks aside and wear it." (c. 1899)
"In the middle of the day the sun is hot, and those who are unaccustomed to it must wear pith helmets, carry umbrellas, and take the shady side of the street." (1904)
"A pith helmet is the safest headgear, and it must project enough at the back to shade the neck, and also be carried high enough behind to admit of shooting in the prone position without its tilting forward over the nose." (1905)
"None of his coworkers at the Central Square branch had opted to wear the pith helmet, which Walt couldn't understand. It was the pith helmet that had made him want to be a mail carrier in the first place." (1999)
"In his khaki pith helmet he looked like a gym teacher playing Teddy Roosevelt in the faculty production of 'Arsenic and Old Lace'." (2001)
"If the quicksand gets me, at least you will know what happened when you find no trace except, of course, my pith helmet..." (2012)

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