Centennial Congratulations to Montverde Academy

Friends will recall that I first profiled Montverde Academy and its campus, by Orlando architect Frederick H. Trimble, back in June. If you have been watching TV in the Orlando area, you know that this fine educational institution is marking 100 years, in 2012.

The main road in and out of Montverde bisects Trimble's double horseshoe driveway, and all of the campus buildings are arranged facing the resultant oval lawn. As for architectural style, Trimble selected a truly Floridian look of white stucco and red barrel tile roofs. Later buildings have followed Trimble's formula to create a cohesive campus look that is tremendously appealing and comfortably scaled.
The simplified Spanish Revival forms of the Trimble buildings also reflect what was, for the time, very modern design ideas, such as the linear groupings of windows. These ideas were shared by the group of Orlando-based architects listed above. The arched porches provide welcome shade in sunny Florida.

The view above shows the influence of the Prairie Style on Trimble's design. The simplicity and restraint of the entrance to the administration building, below, is accentuated by elegant ironwork.

The administration and board of Montverde Academy are to be commended on their careful architectural choices as the campus has expanded, according to architect F. H. Trimble's vision. It is clear that they understand and appreciate what a uniquely beautiful campus they have. It should also be said that the gardens and landscaping are especially pleasing.

What a gorgeous patio, with the heirloom tree and the wonderful, whimsical purple picnic tables!

You can read more about Montverde Academy's history here:Montverde Academy's HistoryWhy not take the drive out to Montverde and see their charming campus and join in their Centenary Celebration!
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