Thursday, February 2, 2012

Some Thoughts On Blogging

I started this blog on February 8, 2007, with the sole intention of discussing those places where faith and life intersect, and especially, bring about changes for the better, either large (transformations) or small (whispers). But it clearly wasn’t meant to be. If you go back to the first posts, from five years ago, you will see mostly theological reflections along those lines. The reality was that not many blog readers seemed keen on the idea of too much God-talk, and the posts languished in a digital twilight.

Without a plan to change this, I happened to begin posting about other matters of interest to me, if to no one else whatsoever. There are too many other things in which I’m interested. An obvious "first" variation was to talk about the European travels we had experienced as a family in the summer of 2006. As the scope expanded, people mentioned reading this or that post (what I would call like-minded people).

One of the joys of the blog as it has emerged is that I have an opportunity of keeping the readers up to date with a mix of passing thoughts, unpredictable travels, musical musings (popular, classical, and sacred), original photos and artwork, architectural finds and favorites, and the occasional "you won't believe what happened today" narrative. Still, posts about places where faith and life intersect appear, as well as "Wekivawords" sprinkled about, generously. I have "spun off" two other blogs, one about my hymn texts and one that concentrates on the architectural postings. But all of them appear on this blog and you who read the blog have given me the impression that you enjoy the mix. At least, the readership figures suggest that likelihood.

Years ago one of my seminary professors mentioning someone whose name is familiar in the world of theological writing, said, "Ah yes. He has never had an unpublished thought." I do guard against that tendency. Suffice to say that there are many spaces in the blog in which reticence has served as my watchword.

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