Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus Precautions and Suggestions - Shadyside Presbyterian Church

Coronavirus Precautions and Suggestions

With reports about the spread of the coronavirus (or COVID-19), we want you to know your health and well-being is of utmost concern.  We are doing all we can to stay current with public health guidelines, to follow best practices for hygiene, and exercising an abundance of caution in responding to this situation.  Here is information that may be helpful to you:

* Worshipers are always encouraged to participate, or not, according to their comfort level.
* If you wish, Instead of shaking hands or embracing, consider verbal greeting, a nod, or smile.
* At Vespers communion, the minsters use hand purifier just beforehand.  If you prefer to receive a blessing rather than partake of the elements, simply cross your arms over your chest.
* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing.
* Wash your hands frequently with warm water, for 20 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing one verse of “Happy Birthday to You”). The friction is as important as the soap and water, to prevent the spread of germs.  Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap and warm water are not available
* Reduce unnecessary touch, especially to your face, and contact, to avoid placing yourself or others at greater risk.
* Please, stay home when you are sick.
* Remember when you are not in worship on Sunday mornings, you can worship with the church via the live at 11 a.m worship webcast found at Live Worship Webcast  
* If you stay home from worship or other events due to illness, please find ways to be in touch through social media, emails and phone calls.

We are constantly motoring reports with regard to the coronavirus, and will update this information as deemed appropriate.

Please keep in mind that there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Allegheny country. We are monitoring reports from the CDC, as well as steps other organizations are taking around the region and will continue to update you as new information becomes available.

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